Sunday, December 16, 2007

I am not a good blogger!

Well, okay, I was going to try and update this blog a little more frequently than every four months! I guess trying to wait and blog about something life changing and profound is just not going to make it. I am just trying to finish up the week with finals. I have a lot of tired and burned out teenagers who are just dying to be done with school for the semester. Little do they suspect that their teachers feel the same way!

Alan and I celebrated our seventh anniversary today. I can't believe that it has been that long. I would have to say that being around our friends and family was one of the highlights of that day. We miss so many of our friends that we don't see so often anymore. But just because we don't talk often, you are in our thoughts more than you know!

1 comment:

Shelly said...

Yeah, a post! I just read your Christmas digital card and letter. Your digital wins the award for most creative Christmas card this year. Loved it. My Christmas letter will be arriving a little late. They are going into the mail on Monday, so you will get it after Christmas. It is hard for me to get much done about Christmas until after school is finished for Decemeber, and we just finished yesterday. Glad you are done for the semester. I too am thankful for a little break. Wow, 7years, praise God. I greatly miss not seeing and talking with you.
Merry Christmas! Jesus is the reason for EVERY season!