Monday, May 26, 2008

May Happenings

Well, this month has been pretty busy.

My mom is doing okay. After several surgeries and some tests it looks like most of the cancer is gone. She will only have to go through some radiation treatments over the summer as a preventative measure.

At the begnning of the month Alan and I went to the grand opening of the Americana at Brand in Glendale. It was a pretty amazing party!

On the 17th Alan and I took our moms to our 5th annual Dodger/Angel game. I am happy to say that the Dodger's won that day. It was quite hot!.

1 comment:

Shelly said...

Hi Karin,

So good to see a post from you. It was nice talking to you several weeks back. You and Alan look great at the grand opening. Very good looking couple indeed.
Fun, fun that you, Alan and your moms go to an annual game. Can't say that I am happy that the Dodgers won though. Praise God that your mom is doing better. I will try to keep all of you up in prayer to our heavenly Father as He brings you to mind.

Have a great day! Continue to gaze at His wonder.

With love,
